Knock your date's socks off with a Valentines Date Package at Blue Ridge AXEcade!  Our "table for 2" offer saves you over $40 PLUS you get a lane to yourselves!  Trust us, when your heart is pounding and your eyes lock after you throw a bullseye or you win BIG at one of our games, they'll be yours forever.

Package includes:

  • Premium Axe Throwing for 2 (includes upgraded axes and throwing knives)
  • $20 Game Card to Share (plus $5 bonus!)
  • Fun, cool environement!

Or you can bring a friend and talk about your ex. Or DM someone and beg for them to be your +1 (you're paying for it after all).

We DON'T do food or alcohol yet, but we do have soft drinks available.

Already done this special event? Got questions? Let us know!
Make sure you've done a waiver! Click here to complete now!

In-store Price: $91 Web-only Price: $50
The special event is being offered at the following Date/Time: