Knock your date's socks off with a Valentines Date Package at Blue Ridge AXEcade!  Our "table for 2" offer saves you $20 PLUS you get a lane to yourselves!  Trust us, when your heart is pounding and your eyes lock after you throw a bullseye or you win BIG at one of our games, they'll be yours forever.

Package includes:

  • Premium Axe Throwing for 2 (includes upgraded axes and throwing knives)
  • $20 Game Card to Share (plus $5 bonus!)
  • Fun, cool environement!

Or you can bring a friend and talk about your ex. Or DM someone and beg for them to be your +1 (you're paying for it after all).

While you are here, grab something off our delicious kitchen menu or grab beer/wine from the bar!

Already done this class? Got questions? Let us know!
Make sure you've done a waiver! Click here to complete now!

In-store Price: $91 Web-only Price: $50
The class is being offered at the following Date/Time: